10 Smart Moves To Beat Your Competition

Beat the Competition

For the hungry entrepreneur ready to stand out from the competition, this article will break down the step you want to take to dominate your industry. 

To get ahead and dominate, you have to have a strategy that others either don’t know or simply won’t do. But when you are hungry, you look for every opportunity available to get ahead. 

Take these tips to heart, and really work on them. It takes time to master anything, but when you get good at employing the following, it will pay you dividends throughout the life of your business.


Be The Most Dependable Person Around

Be Mr. Dependable and make people believe

you’re the one who can get them what they need,  especially for your most valuable clients.

You want everyone to know you’re the most dependable person around. 

Speak for Itself

Let Your Work Speak For You

Let you work say it all when it come to selling yourself. 

The more quiet you are about your efforts, the more surprised people will be after seeing the results. 

Let the results speak for themselves. The better the results, the more your customers are going to talk about you. 

Listening More

Listen More Than You Talk

The less you speak, the less the chances of you uttering something that hurts the sale.

Being silent will also make you come across as a more intelligent person.


Speak when there is something notable to add to the conversation. 


You want people to literally wait to hear what you have to say

Focus on Goals

Focus On Goals

Keep your goals in focus when dealing with clients or when trying to make the sale. 

Keep a sight on the ultimate dream but plan out short-term targets you must meet to get accomplish the long term goals.

It’s the best way to ensure that you’re always on the move, and hitting the right targets.

Develop People Skills

Working on constantly improving your people skills is a valuable part of retaining your top talent.   

Know how to deal with people the right way by treating them with dignity and respect.

Try to solve conflicts without turning them into fights.

Building a good rapport with people despite all disagreements and arguments will take you a long way.  

Over Deliver

Over Deliver

Under promise and over deliver is a good rule to follow. 

Google’s Cloud World solutions Page encourages entrepreneurs to deliver more than customers expect.

Doing what’s expected and then giving that little extra is a great way to get noticed in your industry and build a loyal following of advocates. 

Looking for Opportunities

Identify Opportunities

Spot opportunities before others if you want to always stay ahead of the competition. 

To set yourself apart, do what nobody else can, or nobody else is willing to do.

Give this world something it has never seen before and you’ll be the one true hero in no time. 

Learn From Mistakes

Learn From Your Mistakes

Many successful entrepreneurs point to mistakes as being their best teacher.

Working through as many attempts as necessary to get it right, will teach you more than any other experience.

When you learn from your mistakes, you move closer to success even though you might not see it yet.

Mistakes are opportunities. Welcome every one as an opportunity to learn something new.  

Learn From Complaints

Learning From Complaints

Learning from customer complaints is an opportunity  to make improvements to your product or service that solves real problems.

Bill Gates once said that your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Let unhappy customers teach you where the holes in your services are.

Take Risks

Take The Risk

We never know the outcome of our efforts unless we actually step out there and do something.

Bezis said it helped to know that he wouldn’t regret failure, but he would regret not trying. 

Overcome the fear of failing, and step out there to take the risk. 

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Not matter what industry you are in, these tips will help you become the best choice for your customers. 

Continue to adopt each of these into every part of your business. 

You will come out on top when you do these things as a part of your business practices. 

Let me know what will be the hardest for you to implement. 

Keep moving forward. 

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